In case you missed his announcement, in December 2024, Andrew Taylor informed the EUC community that he had made all the tools in his EUC Toolbox free, including the previously paid-for services, Intune Deploy and Intune Manage.
The EUC Toolbox contains various elements that simplify the initial tenant setup process, helping you to configure your organistions Intune environment swiftly and effectively. With a user-friendly interface, it walks you through essential steps, allowing you to migrate to Intune quickly and easily. From there, the toolbox extends its capabilities to include management tools that cover everything from deploying applications to monitoring device compliance.
EUC Toolbox
If you’re looking to get the most out of the capabilities of the EUC Toolbox, Algiz Technology offers expert help with the tools themselves and the packaging of applications for Microsoft Intune. We ensure you can tackle any challenges you may face during implementation and management and keep your Intune infrastructure secure and easy to manage.